Lolli Probiotic Drink Zesty Lemon

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What is water kefir?

Water kefir is a fermented probiotic drink made by culturing sugar water with water kefir grains. These grains are a mix of beneficial bacteria and yeasts that feed on the sugar, producing a lightly carbonated, slightly tangy, and mildly sweet beverage. It’s a dairy-free alternative to milk kefir and is known for its potential health benefits, such as improving gut health and digestion.
Water kefir can be flavored with fruit, herbs, or spices after fermentation and is often used as a homemade alternative to sodas due to its natural fizz.

During fermentation, the water kefir grains consume almost all of the added sugar, converting it into beneficial acids, carbon dioxide (which gives it fizz). By the end of the process, very little sugar remains, making water kefir a low sugar alternative to sodas and other sweet drinks.

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